Sunday, December 30, 2012
hadith 40 fadhilat amal
i'm reading the fadhilat amal page 175-182 and i'm writing this as a reminder to myself.
Diriwayatkan daripada Huzrat Abu Hurairah ra, katanya Rasulullah saw bersabda, 'Iman terbahagi kepada lebih daripada tujuh puluh bahagian(atau tujuh puluh tujuh bahagian). Bahagian yang paling afdal ialah ucapan la ila ha illlah dan yang paling rendah ialah menjauhkan perkara yang menyakiti dari jalan dan sifat malu juga adalah sebahgian dari iman.' (Hadith Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan lain-lain)
1 Sifat malu telah disebut oleh Rasulullah saw secara khusus di atas, kerana sifat malu merupakan sebab terhindarnya banyak dosa seperti berzina, mencuri, mencarut, mendedahkan aurat, memaki hamun dan sebagainya.
2 Perasaan malu dalam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat adalah jelas merupakan pendorong untuk melakukan amalan kebajikan seperti solah, zakat dan haji. Sifat malu juga merupakan sebab seluruh perintah Allah sbt yang lain ditunaikan.
3 'Segala fikir untuk menjaga maruah diri adalah hanya kerana adanya sifat malu. Pasti akan datang dalam perasaannya, jika saya tidak mengerjakan solah maka di mana saya akan sorokkan muka saya di akhirat nanti? Sebaliknya jika tidak ada sifat malu seseorang itu akan berfikir' Apa peduli dengan kata-kata orang?'
Diterangkan dalam hadith di atas bahawa iman mempunyai lebih daripada tujuh puluh cabang. Imam Nawawi rah berkata, 'Nabi Muhammad saw telah menetapkan bahawa yang paling tinggi antara cabangan iman ialah kalimah tauhid yakni la ila ha illah. Dengan ini dapat diketahui bahawa antara cabangan iman, tauhidlah menduduki darjah yang paling tinggi dan tidak ada sesuatu yang lain daripada cabangan iman yang mengatasinya. Lantaran itu dapat diketahui bahawa perkara yang terpenting bagi setiap orang Islam yang mukallaf dan darjah yang paling rendah daripada cabangan iman ialah membuang daripada jalan sesuatu yang boleh menyusahkan seseorang Islam. Kedudukan cabangan iman yang lain adalah di antara kedua-dua cabangan iman tersebut.
Terdapat pelbagai tulisan oleh para penulis syarah kitab Bukhari berkaitan cabangan iman ini. Mereka telah membuat ringkasan yang hasil rumusannya ialah bahawa kesempurnaan iman adalah merupakan himpunan tiga perkara.
1 Membenarkan dengan hati yakni meyakini keseluruhan perkara yang berkaitan dengan iman.
2 Ikrar dengan lidah.
3 Mengamalkan (tuntutan iman) dengan anggota tubuh badan.
Keseluruhannya cabangan iman terkandung dalam 3 perkara tersebut.
Pertama: 30 perkara yang berkaitan dengan akidah
Kedua : 7 bahagian amalan lidah
Ketiga : 40 amalan yang berkaitan dengan baki anggota badan yang lain.
Inilah 77 cabangan iman. Setiap orang hendaklah merenung dan memikirkan sifat-sifat tersebut, sekiranya terdapat mana-mana sifat tersebut dalam dirinya maka dia hendaklah bersyukur kepada Allah sbt kerana hanya dengan taufik dan kasih sayang Alah sbt seseorang itu memperoleh kebaikan. Sifat-sifat yang masih belum diperoleh hendaklah diusahakan dan sentiasa berdoa untuk menghasilkannya.
"Dan tiadalah aku akan beroleh taufik(untuk melakukan apa-apa jua kebaikan) melainkan dengan (pertolongan) Allah'
Saturday, December 29, 2012
old laptop & old picture
i am posting this from my old laptop and i found this 1976 picture. yes..1976!!!!!..hehee..yea i am old too.they were my teachers. obviously, they were from united kingdom. mr slater playing the guitar taught me chemistry. the other teacher was mr powell taught me mathematics.wondering how they are doing now.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Ten Ways to Motivate Students
In order to fight against boredom in their classroom teachers may implement this 10 ideas by Melissa Kelly
1. Publish Student Work
Seeing one’s work in print or posted on the Internet as part of a classroom website can be truly motivating. This will allow students to have a goal to work towards and they can see and share the results of their hard work with others.2. Use Supporting Material and Props
Bringing manipulatives and props into the class can be truly motivating. Some history teachers have been known to dress up as characters from history like Abraham Lincoln or Theodore Roosevelt which is always fun for students and teacher alike. However, even just bringing in items like foreign money that can be passed around or posting pictures around the classroom about the topic at hand can be interest building for students.3. Provide Specific Rewards Students Can Work Towards
Come up with one or more rewards that students can work towards. Maybe you agree to allow them 10 minutes of free time on Fridays or you will provide them with popcorn during the next lesson specific movie. Whatever it is, come up with what the students need to do to achieve the goal and stick to your plan.4. Provide Choices for Students
Whenever possible, allow students to have some choice in what they are learning. For example, if you are having the students write an essay, you might give them a couple of broader topics to choose from so that they can pick something they are more interested in. Another area of choice can come in the method of presentation for projects. The students may choose to create a website, a PowerPoint, or a song. The ability to demonstrate learning through choice and a variety of methods can be very motivating for students.5. Have Students Work Towards Individual Goals
Have students come up with one or more specific goals of what they want to achieve in your class. You can attach a grade to these goals in terms of how much effort they put into achieving the goals.6. Give Students a Role
Allow students to be as involved in possible in your classroom environment. Try to fit in debates and simulations to give them the opportunity to participate in a more direct manner.7. Connect Learning to the Real World
As often as you can, connect what students are learning to the world around them. By connecting the classroom lesson to the students’ personal lives we can provide them with greater incentives and buy-in on what you are teaching.8. Mix It Up
Too much of anything can quickly lead to boredom, including lectures, whole group discussions, small group work, debates, and cooperative learning activities. Therefore, make sure to vary your lessons accordingly. Similarly, vary homework assignments so that students are not always doing the same thing every night.9. Get Students Involved in Contests
Find contests, publishing events, scholarships, and events that students can participate in and work towards outside of the classroom. Maybe you have all your students send a submission for a story to a local magazine. Maybe you have students write an essay for a college scholarship competition. By connecting what you are teaching in the classroom to something that carries real world rewards, you can help increase student involvement.10. Bring Service Into the Classroom
Most students have an innate desire to work towards a goal greater than themselves. For some this might be that they want to help preserve the environment. Others might want to help the poor or focus on individuals hit hard by natural disasters. If you can tap into this while connecting the actions to lessons in the classroom, you can build on these natural, altruistic desires.Sunday, November 25, 2012
bandar maharani bandar diraja
my home town is now a royal town, the announcement was made by the sultan of johor yesterday 24th november 2012 at tanjong mas square. i expect it to be more clean with many more polite smart people and lesser crime incidents in years to come. may Allah bless all of us here always
a new landmark at jalan sulaiman roundabout |
the royal bunting |
the sultan ismail bridge will be close starting from 3pm today until 5am tomorrow morning for the people to watch boat parade tonight |
the royal palace in bandar maharani the royal town |
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
salam maal hijrah 1434H
Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Mengasihani.
Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan pemerintah seluruh alam.
Semoga Allah memelihara kita semua daripada syaitan, penyokong-penyokongnya serta menolong kita menentang nafsu yang mengajak kepada kejahatan. Semoga Allah menolong kita semua supaya sibuk melakukan amalan untuk mendekatkan kita kepadaNya, Tuhan yang pemurah lagi mengasihani. Semoga Allah terus merahmati dan meletakkan kita dikalangan orang-orang soleh. Ameen.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
obama is still the president
I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting...Obama's victory speech
Friday, October 26, 2012
eidul adha 2012
bersama-sama pak utih abas |
ini saje yang pegi solat sunat eidul adha tahun ini |
Monday, October 15, 2012
news from moscow
Sunday, October 14, 2012
16 habits of mind
Art Costa and Bena Kallicks 16 habits of mind....
(After Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick, Habits of Mind: A Developmental Series, Copyright © 2000)
The Habits of Mind are an identified set of 16 problem solving, life related skills, necessary to
effectively operate in society and promote strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance,
creativity and craftsmanship. The understanding and application of these 16 Habits of Mind serve to provide the individual with skills to work through real life situations that equip that person to respond using awareness (cues), thought, and intentional strategy in order to gain a positive outcome.
1. Persisting: Sticking to task at hand; Follow through to completion; Can and do remain focused.
2. Managing Impulsivity: Take time to consider options; Think before speaking or acting; Remain calm when stressed or challenged; Thoughtful and considerate of others; Proceed carefully.
3. Listening with Understanding and Empathy: Pay attention to and do not dismiss another person's thoughts, feeling and ideas; Seek to put myself in the other person's shoes; Tell others when I can relate to what they are expressing; Hold thoughts at a distance in order to respect another person's point of view and feelings.
4. Thinking Flexibly: Able to change perspective; Consider the input of others; Generate
alternatives; Weigh options.
5. Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition): Being aware of own thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions; Knowing what I do and say affects others; Willing to consider the impact of choices on myself and others.
6. Striving for Accuracy: Check for errors; Measure at least twice; Nurture a desire for exactness, fidelity & craftsmanship.
7. Questioning and Posing Problems: Ask myself, “How do I know?”; develop a questioning attitude; Consider what information is needed, choose strategies to get that information; Consider the obstacles needed to resolve.
8. Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations: Use what is learned; Consider prior knowledge and experience; Apply knowledge beyond the situation in which it was learned.
9. Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision: Strive to be clear when speaking and writing; Strive be accurate to when speaking and writing; Avoid generalizations, distortions, minimizations and deletions when speaking, and writing.
10.Gathering Data through All Senses: Stop to observe what I see; Listen to what I hear; Take note of what I smell; Taste what I am eating; Feel what I am touching.
11.Creating, Imagining, Innovating: Think about how something might be done differently from the “norm”; Propose new ideas; Strive for originality; Consider novel suggestions others might make.
12.Responding with Wonderment and Awe: Intrigued by the world's beauty, nature's power and vastness for the universe; Have regard for what is awe-inspiring and can touch my heart; Open to the little and big surprises in life I see others and myself.
13.Taking Responsible Risks: Willing to try something new and different; Consider doing things that are safe and sane even though new to me; Face fear of making mistakes or of coming up short and don’t let this stop me.
14.Finding Humour: Willing to laugh appropriately; Look for the whimsical, absurd, ironic and unexpected in life; Laugh at myself when I can.
15.Thinking Interdependently: Willing to work with others and welcome their input and
perspective; Abide by decisions the work group makes even if I disagree somewhat; Willing to learn from others in reciprocal situations.
16.Remaining Open to Continuous Learning: Open to new experiences to learn from; Proud and humble enough to admit when don't know; Welcome new information on all subjects.
- persisting
- managing impulsivity
- thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
- thinking flexibility
- striving for accuracy and precision
- applying past knowledge to new situations
- finding humour
- responding with wonderment and awe
- remaining open to continuous learning
- thinking interdependently
- listening with understanding and empathy
- gathering data through all the senses
- taking responsible risks
- creating, imagining, innovating
- questioning and posing problems
- thinking about your thinking
(After Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick, Habits of Mind: A Developmental Series, Copyright © 2000)
The Habits of Mind are an identified set of 16 problem solving, life related skills, necessary to
effectively operate in society and promote strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance,
creativity and craftsmanship. The understanding and application of these 16 Habits of Mind serve to provide the individual with skills to work through real life situations that equip that person to respond using awareness (cues), thought, and intentional strategy in order to gain a positive outcome.
1. Persisting: Sticking to task at hand; Follow through to completion; Can and do remain focused.
2. Managing Impulsivity: Take time to consider options; Think before speaking or acting; Remain calm when stressed or challenged; Thoughtful and considerate of others; Proceed carefully.
3. Listening with Understanding and Empathy: Pay attention to and do not dismiss another person's thoughts, feeling and ideas; Seek to put myself in the other person's shoes; Tell others when I can relate to what they are expressing; Hold thoughts at a distance in order to respect another person's point of view and feelings.
4. Thinking Flexibly: Able to change perspective; Consider the input of others; Generate
alternatives; Weigh options.
5. Thinking about Thinking (Metacognition): Being aware of own thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions; Knowing what I do and say affects others; Willing to consider the impact of choices on myself and others.
6. Striving for Accuracy: Check for errors; Measure at least twice; Nurture a desire for exactness, fidelity & craftsmanship.
7. Questioning and Posing Problems: Ask myself, “How do I know?”; develop a questioning attitude; Consider what information is needed, choose strategies to get that information; Consider the obstacles needed to resolve.
8. Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations: Use what is learned; Consider prior knowledge and experience; Apply knowledge beyond the situation in which it was learned.
9. Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision: Strive to be clear when speaking and writing; Strive be accurate to when speaking and writing; Avoid generalizations, distortions, minimizations and deletions when speaking, and writing.
10.Gathering Data through All Senses: Stop to observe what I see; Listen to what I hear; Take note of what I smell; Taste what I am eating; Feel what I am touching.
11.Creating, Imagining, Innovating: Think about how something might be done differently from the “norm”; Propose new ideas; Strive for originality; Consider novel suggestions others might make.
12.Responding with Wonderment and Awe: Intrigued by the world's beauty, nature's power and vastness for the universe; Have regard for what is awe-inspiring and can touch my heart; Open to the little and big surprises in life I see others and myself.
13.Taking Responsible Risks: Willing to try something new and different; Consider doing things that are safe and sane even though new to me; Face fear of making mistakes or of coming up short and don’t let this stop me.
14.Finding Humour: Willing to laugh appropriately; Look for the whimsical, absurd, ironic and unexpected in life; Laugh at myself when I can.
15.Thinking Interdependently: Willing to work with others and welcome their input and
perspective; Abide by decisions the work group makes even if I disagree somewhat; Willing to learn from others in reciprocal situations.
16.Remaining Open to Continuous Learning: Open to new experiences to learn from; Proud and humble enough to admit when don't know; Welcome new information on all subjects.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
bicara merdeka oleh a samad said

anak anak muda beranilah
dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu
anak anak muda gagahlah
dunia ini masa depan kamu
anak anak muda berjuanglah
dunia ini setiasa menunggu kamu
anak anak muda pegang tangan kekasih mu
anak anak muda genggam tangan kawan mu
anak anak muda acungkan tangan kamu
anak anak muda laungkan api perjuangan
anak anak muda dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu
anak anak muda
muda ini hanya sekali
anak anak muda
ketika muda inilah untuk jadi berani
jika kau telah tua
maka kau akan bijak berdusta
jika kau telah tua
maka kau bijak bersilat lidah
jika kau telah tua
kau bijak berpura-pura
jika kau telah tua
saku kau akan berat dengan hutang janji
jika kau telah tua
kau hanya seorang penyaksi
anak muda jadilah berani
kerana dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu

anak anak muda beranilah
dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu
anak anak muda gagahlah
dunia ini masa depan kamu
anak anak muda berjuanglah
dunia ini setiasa menunggu kamu
anak anak muda pegang tangan kekasih mu
anak anak muda genggam tangan kawan mu
anak anak muda acungkan tangan kamu
anak anak muda laungkan api perjuangan
anak anak muda dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu
anak anak muda
muda ini hanya sekali
anak anak muda
ketika muda inilah untuk jadi berani
jika kau telah tua
maka kau akan bijak berdusta
jika kau telah tua
maka kau bijak bersilat lidah
jika kau telah tua
kau bijak berpura-pura
jika kau telah tua
saku kau akan berat dengan hutang janji
jika kau telah tua
kau hanya seorang penyaksi
anak muda jadilah berani
kerana dunia ini akhirnya milik kamu
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
1433H eidul fitri
jamal kena serangan jantung semasa terawih malam kedua akhir ramadhan. raya kali ini di hospital serdang. glamornya dia sebab menteri kesihatan datang singgah ke biliknya semasa kunjungan raya 1 syawal. berita dan gambar ini dari nst online.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
usia 50-an
minggu ini terima berita ramai kawan-kawan sekelas ex-smsj 5e2 1976 yang sakit. sakit jantung, sakit lutut, sakit mata dan minor stroke. semoga Allah terus merahmati kita semua.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
salam ramadhan
1 ramadhan 1433H hari ini. semoga Allah menerima amal ibadat kita semua
"makan dan minumlah kamu sehingga ternyata benang putih dari benang hitam dari waktu fajar, kemudian sempurnakanlah puasa sehingga waktu malam" (surah al-baqarah: 187)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
my fan
i am avoiding a fan. hehee.. dia telefon dan mengadu hal hampir setiap hari. sms dan call...pada hal langsung tak kenal pun. she has her family to consult if she has any problem. im not her only friend. so ive decided not to answer her calls or even her short messages. we met in beijing. i regretted giving her my phone me she's a bit weird. because when i suggested that she should call her mom or any of her family members to tell her problems or her stories she said she love talking to me. she said better to call me than to make her mom worry about her. i hope my decision is correct. ya Allah forgive me for avoiding her.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
sudah lama tidak kemaskini blog ini...macam sibuk sangat tetapi sebenarnya macam tiada apa yang hendak di tuliskan..
Thursday, May 31, 2012
On Tasawwuf
What is Tasawwuf? "Verily, he who has purified the heart is successful and he who has despoiled it has lost." Many people have misunderstandings about tasawwuf. Many think that it is something beyond the Qur'an and Sunnah. Errant Sufis as well as the superficial ulema, although on the opposite ends of the spectrum, are together in holding this mistaken notion. Consequently the first group has shunned the Qur'an and Hadith while the second group has shunned tasawwuf.
Actually, although the term tasawwuf, like many other religious terms in use today, evolved later, the discipline is very much part of the Shariah. The department of the Shariah relating to external deeds like salat and zakat is called fiqh while the one dealing with the internal feelings and states of the heart is called tasawwuf. Both are commanded in the Qur'an. Thus while commanding Salat and Zakat, the Qur'an also commands gratefulness and love of Allah and condemns the evil of pride and vanity. Similarly, in the books of hadith, along with the chapters on Ibadat, trade and commerce, marriage and divorce, are to be found the chapters on riya' (show off) takabbur, akhlaq, etc. These commands are as much a mandatory requirement as the ones dealing with external deeds.
On reflection it will be realized that all the external deeds are designed for the reformation of the heart. That is the basis of success in the hereafter while its despoiling is the cause of total destruction. This is precisely what is known technically as tasawwuf. Its focus is tahzeebe akhlaq or the adornment of character; its motive is the attainment of Divine pleasure; its method is total obedience to the commands of the Shariah.
Tasawwuf is the soul of Islam. Its function is to purify the heart from the lowly bestial attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy, love of the world, love of fame, niggardliness, greed, ostentation, vanity, deception, etc. At the same time it aims at the adornment of the heart with the lofty attributes of repentance, perseverance, gratefulness, fear of Allah , hope, abstention, tauheed, trust, love, sincerity, truth, contemplation, etc.
To diagnose and treat the diseases of the heart normally requires the help of an expert teacher or Shaykh. Here are the qualities of a proper Shaykh.
1. He possesses necessary religious knowledge.
2. His beliefs, habits, and practices are in accordance with the Shariah.
3. He does not harbor greed for the worldly wealth.
4. He has himself spent time learning from a proper Shaykh.
5. The scholars and good mashaikh of his time hold good opinion about him.
6. His admirers are mostly from among the people who have good understanding of religion.
7. Most of his followers follow the Shariah and are not the seekers after this world.
8. He sincerely tries to educate and morally train his followers. If he sees anything wrong in them, he corrects it.
9. In his company one can feel a decrease in the love of this world and an increase in the love for Allah (subhanahu wa ta ala).
10. He himself regularly performs dhikr and spiritual exercises.
In searching for a Shaykh, do not look for his ability to perform karamat (miracles) or to foretell the future. A very good Shaykh may not be able to perform any karamat. On the other hand, a person showing karamat does not have to be a pious person --- or even a Muslim.
Prominent Sufi Bayazid Bistami says: "Do not be deceived if you see a performer of supernatural feats flying in the air. Measure him on the standard of the Shariah."
When you find the right Shaykh and you are satisfied with his ability to provide spiritual guidance, you perform baya or pledge. This is a two-way commitment; the Shaykh pledges to guide you in light of Shariah and you pledge to follow him. Then the Shaykh will give his murid (student) initial instructions. They include the following:
1. Perform repentance for all the past sins and take steps to make amends, e.g. if any salat has been missed so far in the life, you start making up for it.
2. If you have any unmet financial obligations toward another person make plans to discharge them.
3. Guard your eyes, ears and tongue.
4. Perform dhikr regularly.
5. Start a daily session of self-accounting before going to bed. Review all the good and bad deeds performed during the day. Repent for the bad ones and thank Allah (subhanahu wa ta ala for the good ones.
6. Perform muraqaba-maut (meditation over death) every night before going to bed. Just visualize that you have died. Reflect upon the pangs of death, the questioning in the grave, the plain of Resurrection, the Reckoning , the presence in the Court of Allah, subhanahu wa ta ala, etc. This helps bring softness to the heart and break the tendency to commit sins.
7. Develop humility. Even if you observe another individual committing the worst of vices you should not despise him/her, nor should you consider yourself nobler. It is very much possible that the perpetrator of the vice may resort to sincere repentance while the one who despised the sinner become ensnared in the traps of nafs and Shaytan. One has no certainty regarding one's end. One, therefore has no basis for regarding another with contempt.
The essential idea of tahzeebe akhlaq is to bring our natural faculties in a state of balance. The three basic faculties are anger, desires, and intelligence.
Anger: When in equilibrium it results in valor, forbearance, steadfastness, the ability to restrain anger, and dignity. Excess will result in rashness, boastfulness, pride, inability to restrain anger, and vanity. A deficiency will result in cowardice, disgrace and feelings of inferiority.
Desires: Equilibrium here results in chastity, generosity, haya (decency), patience and contentment. Its excess leads to greed and lust. The other extreme results in narrow-mindedness, impotence, etc.
Intelligence: Equilibrium here makes man wise, sharp-witted and one with great insights. Excess here makes one deceptive, fraudulent and an impostor. Its lack results in ignorance and stupidity with the consequence that such a person is quickly misled.
A person will be considered as having a beautiful character only when these faculties are in the state of balance and equilibrium. Internal beauty varies with people just as external beauty does. The possessor of the most beautiful seerah was Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. The beauty of our seerah is based on its closeness to his seerah.

Muslims in prayer. Notice the simple place designated for worshipping Allah Most High as compared to our suraus or masjids.
What is Tasawwuf? "Verily, he who has purified the heart is successful and he who has despoiled it has lost." Many people have misunderstandings about tasawwuf. Many think that it is something beyond the Qur'an and Sunnah. Errant Sufis as well as the superficial ulema, although on the opposite ends of the spectrum, are together in holding this mistaken notion. Consequently the first group has shunned the Qur'an and Hadith while the second group has shunned tasawwuf.
Actually, although the term tasawwuf, like many other religious terms in use today, evolved later, the discipline is very much part of the Shariah. The department of the Shariah relating to external deeds like salat and zakat is called fiqh while the one dealing with the internal feelings and states of the heart is called tasawwuf. Both are commanded in the Qur'an. Thus while commanding Salat and Zakat, the Qur'an also commands gratefulness and love of Allah and condemns the evil of pride and vanity. Similarly, in the books of hadith, along with the chapters on Ibadat, trade and commerce, marriage and divorce, are to be found the chapters on riya' (show off) takabbur, akhlaq, etc. These commands are as much a mandatory requirement as the ones dealing with external deeds.
On reflection it will be realized that all the external deeds are designed for the reformation of the heart. That is the basis of success in the hereafter while its despoiling is the cause of total destruction. This is precisely what is known technically as tasawwuf. Its focus is tahzeebe akhlaq or the adornment of character; its motive is the attainment of Divine pleasure; its method is total obedience to the commands of the Shariah.
Tasawwuf is the soul of Islam. Its function is to purify the heart from the lowly bestial attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy, love of the world, love of fame, niggardliness, greed, ostentation, vanity, deception, etc. At the same time it aims at the adornment of the heart with the lofty attributes of repentance, perseverance, gratefulness, fear of Allah , hope, abstention, tauheed, trust, love, sincerity, truth, contemplation, etc.
To diagnose and treat the diseases of the heart normally requires the help of an expert teacher or Shaykh. Here are the qualities of a proper Shaykh.
1. He possesses necessary religious knowledge.
2. His beliefs, habits, and practices are in accordance with the Shariah.
3. He does not harbor greed for the worldly wealth.
4. He has himself spent time learning from a proper Shaykh.
5. The scholars and good mashaikh of his time hold good opinion about him.
6. His admirers are mostly from among the people who have good understanding of religion.
7. Most of his followers follow the Shariah and are not the seekers after this world.
8. He sincerely tries to educate and morally train his followers. If he sees anything wrong in them, he corrects it.
9. In his company one can feel a decrease in the love of this world and an increase in the love for Allah (subhanahu wa ta ala).
10. He himself regularly performs dhikr and spiritual exercises.
In searching for a Shaykh, do not look for his ability to perform karamat (miracles) or to foretell the future. A very good Shaykh may not be able to perform any karamat. On the other hand, a person showing karamat does not have to be a pious person --- or even a Muslim.
Prominent Sufi Bayazid Bistami says: "Do not be deceived if you see a performer of supernatural feats flying in the air. Measure him on the standard of the Shariah."
When you find the right Shaykh and you are satisfied with his ability to provide spiritual guidance, you perform baya or pledge. This is a two-way commitment; the Shaykh pledges to guide you in light of Shariah and you pledge to follow him. Then the Shaykh will give his murid (student) initial instructions. They include the following:
1. Perform repentance for all the past sins and take steps to make amends, e.g. if any salat has been missed so far in the life, you start making up for it.
2. If you have any unmet financial obligations toward another person make plans to discharge them.
3. Guard your eyes, ears and tongue.
4. Perform dhikr regularly.
5. Start a daily session of self-accounting before going to bed. Review all the good and bad deeds performed during the day. Repent for the bad ones and thank Allah (subhanahu wa ta ala for the good ones.
6. Perform muraqaba-maut (meditation over death) every night before going to bed. Just visualize that you have died. Reflect upon the pangs of death, the questioning in the grave, the plain of Resurrection, the Reckoning , the presence in the Court of Allah, subhanahu wa ta ala, etc. This helps bring softness to the heart and break the tendency to commit sins.
7. Develop humility. Even if you observe another individual committing the worst of vices you should not despise him/her, nor should you consider yourself nobler. It is very much possible that the perpetrator of the vice may resort to sincere repentance while the one who despised the sinner become ensnared in the traps of nafs and Shaytan. One has no certainty regarding one's end. One, therefore has no basis for regarding another with contempt.
The essential idea of tahzeebe akhlaq is to bring our natural faculties in a state of balance. The three basic faculties are anger, desires, and intelligence.
Anger: When in equilibrium it results in valor, forbearance, steadfastness, the ability to restrain anger, and dignity. Excess will result in rashness, boastfulness, pride, inability to restrain anger, and vanity. A deficiency will result in cowardice, disgrace and feelings of inferiority.
Desires: Equilibrium here results in chastity, generosity, haya (decency), patience and contentment. Its excess leads to greed and lust. The other extreme results in narrow-mindedness, impotence, etc.
Intelligence: Equilibrium here makes man wise, sharp-witted and one with great insights. Excess here makes one deceptive, fraudulent and an impostor. Its lack results in ignorance and stupidity with the consequence that such a person is quickly misled.
A person will be considered as having a beautiful character only when these faculties are in the state of balance and equilibrium. Internal beauty varies with people just as external beauty does. The possessor of the most beautiful seerah was Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. The beauty of our seerah is based on its closeness to his seerah.
Muslims in prayer. Notice the simple place designated for worshipping Allah Most High as compared to our suraus or masjids.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
happy teacher's day
yes..happy teacher's day and this year is my 28Th year celebrating the teacher's day. celebrating for the first time as a principal and the first time at convent school. i recited a poem during delivering a speech and another poem during the stage presentation slot.
Dia Seorang Guru Tua
Dia seorang guru tua sebuah sekolah
terdidik dalam negeri tanpa berjela ijazah
penunggu setia sekolah bukan cuma ganjaran upah
tidak juga mengharap kemilau gelar dan anugerah
sekadar kerelaannya menggenggam suatu amanah
yang mengangkat harga diri dan maruah
dengan berbekalkan keyakinan dan hikmah
dengan kelkhlasan hati dan pasrah
dengan tidak mengenal jemu dan penat-lelah
yang diperkirakan kepuasan diri membangun ummah
berlandas paksi yang jelas dalam tuju-arah.
Dia seorang guru pengganti ayah ibu
dia seorang guru pembentuk generasi baru
dia seorang guru pembina insan sepadu
dia seorang guru pewaris tamadun ilmu
yang terus hidup sepanjang waktu
diimbau berbunyi dilihat bertemu.
Ismail Hj Adnan 1989
Dia Seorang Guru Tua
Dia seorang guru tua sebuah sekolah
terdidik dalam negeri tanpa berjela ijazah
penunggu setia sekolah bukan cuma ganjaran upah
tidak juga mengharap kemilau gelar dan anugerah
sekadar kerelaannya menggenggam suatu amanah
yang mengangkat harga diri dan maruah
dengan berbekalkan keyakinan dan hikmah
dengan kelkhlasan hati dan pasrah
dengan tidak mengenal jemu dan penat-lelah
yang diperkirakan kepuasan diri membangun ummah
berlandas paksi yang jelas dalam tuju-arah.
Dia seorang guru pengganti ayah ibu
dia seorang guru pembentuk generasi baru
dia seorang guru pembina insan sepadu
dia seorang guru pewaris tamadun ilmu
yang terus hidup sepanjang waktu
diimbau berbunyi dilihat bertemu.
Ismail Hj Adnan 1989
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
a sunday poem
Peludah Warna
Kuasa gusar kini menggelegak murka;
warna kuning diisytihar racun terbisa.
Diragutnya baju-T segeram tenaga
dan diumum itulah busana bahaya.
warna kuning diisytihar racun terbisa.
Diragutnya baju-T segeram tenaga
dan diumum itulah busana bahaya.
Tapi, kita jahit semula perca kain,
menjadikannya panji terindah dan tulen.
Warna kuning yang teramat tenang dan syahdu
kita kembalikan damai ke dalam qalbu.
menjadikannya panji terindah dan tulen.
Warna kuning yang teramat tenang dan syahdu
kita kembalikan damai ke dalam qalbu.
Kini cahaya mentari mungkin diramas
dan sinar kuningnya juga mungkin dicantas.
Memanglah mereka kini peludah warna
sedang menghimpun lendir kahak sebanyaknya.
dan sinar kuningnya juga mungkin dicantas.
Memanglah mereka kini peludah warna
sedang menghimpun lendir kahak sebanyaknya.
Kerana nikmat amat lama berkuasa,
kuasa pun seolah menjadi hartanya.
kuasa pun seolah menjadi hartanya.
A Samad Said
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
persidangan kebangsaan mpsm 2012
from 11-14th april i was at the zenith kuantan attending the national meeting for malaysian school principals.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
majlis anugerah cemerlang & PTA agm
choir girls..
1malaysian dance..
a silat show welcoming the vvip
a pantun from a friend that i recited at the end of my speech..
mengasuh murid mengasah bakat
pagi datang petang baru pulang
ibu bapa dan guru saling bermuafakat
sekolah cemerlang murid terbilang
Monday, March 26, 2012
from ustaz ishak md noor
Allahuma salliwasallim wazid wabarik
'Alarasulillah waalihilathar
'Alarasulillah waalihilathar
'Alarasulillah waalihilathar
'Alarasulillah waalihilathar
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
sunday=rest day
sunday=thinking day
sunday=cleaning day
sunday=longer dreaming time
sunday=reflection time
sunday=tv day
sunday=reading other then school materials
sunday=family day
sunday=longer net time...hehee
sunday=thinking day
sunday=cleaning day
sunday=longer dreaming time
sunday=reflection time
sunday=tv day
sunday=reading other then school materials
sunday=family day
sunday=longer net time...hehee
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
successful managers
a very short summary
6 habits of highly successful managers are:
1 set goals all the time
2 focus on the process, not a plan
3 coach the right people
4 serve the right customer
5 empower your entire team
6 do the right things right
book title : 6 habits of highly successful managers
authors : john cioffi & ken willig
publisher: advantage quest publications 2011 edition
pages : 256
6 habits of highly successful managers are:
1 set goals all the time
2 focus on the process, not a plan
3 coach the right people
4 serve the right customer
5 empower your entire team
6 do the right things right
book title : 6 habits of highly successful managers
authors : john cioffi & ken willig
publisher: advantage quest publications 2011 edition
pages : 256
Friday, January 27, 2012
i like this picture.
leadership quotes that i like..
1 " innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower"....from steve jobs Apple co-founder.
2 "leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. positive leaders empower to accomplish their goals." ..unknown
leadership quotes that i like..
1 " innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower"....from steve jobs Apple co-founder.
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which penguin is the leader?? |
Monday, January 23, 2012
mak itam
mak itam nampaknya ceria semalam.
mak itam akan menjalani kimoterapi pada 26 januari semoga Allah sembuhkan mak itam cepat.
mak itam akan menjalani kimoterapi pada 26 januari semoga Allah sembuhkan mak itam cepat.
Friday, January 20, 2012
guru oh guru
hari ini bukan hari guru tetapi rasa hendak menulis tentang guru.
Guru oh Guru!
sajak arwah usman awang ini mengingatkan kita tentang sumbangan guru. walau bagaimanapun sejak beberapa minggu ini banyak peristiwa menunjukkan betapa guru hari ini begitu rendah di mata masyarakat. tiada hormat untuk guru lagi.
Guru oh Guru!
Usman Awang
Berburu ke Padang Datar
dapat rusa belang kaki
berguru kepalang ajar
ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi
Jika hari ini
Seorang perdana menteri berkuasa
Jika hari ini
Seorang raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini
Seorang Ulama' yang mulia
Jika hari ini
Seorang peguam menang bicara
Jika hari ini
Seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini
Siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa
Berburu ke Padang Datar
dapat rusa belang kaki
berguru kepalang ajar
ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi
Jika hari ini
Seorang perdana menteri berkuasa
Jika hari ini
Seorang raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini
Seorang Ulama' yang mulia
Jika hari ini
Seorang peguam menang bicara
Jika hari ini
Seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini
Siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa
Sejarahnya dimulakan oleh seorang guru biasa
dengan lembut sabarnya
mengajar tulis baca .
dengan lembut sabarnya
mengajar tulis baca .
Thursday, January 12, 2012
mata ikan
sudah seminggu dan ubat sudah habis dua hari lepas tetapi mat ikan di lidah masih rasa sakit walaupun sudah jauh berkurangan. sudah dua bekas ais krim vanilla dihabiskan, ais krim untuk mengurangkan suhu badan. kenapa vanilla? doktor kata vanilla mengandungi antibiotik. ubat doktor ialah antibiotik dan ubat sapu. ubat sapu itu akan menyebabkan lidah kebas jadi tidak selesa. doktor beri juga vitamin c. cadangan sorang kawan supaya makan juga buah-buahan cecah garam berkesan juga. penyakit mengurangkan dosa kecil, jadi sabar saje. semoga Allah sembuhkan cepat.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
smart bee
the bee shows preseverance, patience, tolerance, vitality, co-operation, loyalty, dependability and always gives its best when working towars a common goal
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The Mighty Allah
case 1 unexplained shower of apples fall from the sky in a small British town.
case 2 unexplained 20 tons of herring washed up on Norway coast and then disppeared.
case 2 unexplained 20 tons of herring washed up on Norway coast and then disppeared.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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